The following recipe comes from the Be Exceptional 4-week done-for-you smartly constructed healthy meal plan. We have included tasty and easy-to-follow recipes hand-picked by the Be Exceptional Team for you to jump start your healthy living successfully. All the meals are arranged in groups so all you need to do is turn page by page and allow yourself to get inspired by the recipes. We encourage you to get creative and make it your own.
Don't forget to tag @RobertlPalmer and @Beexcpetionalofficial on Social Media. #BeExceptional A lot of people have been looking into healthier alternatives to losing the tummy, as a result many of us are now realizing how important it is to consume less and move a lot more. One of the biggest trends in vanity fitness is having nice ripped six-pack abs, and people are willing to do absurd and often mundane things to achieve it. Interest soon diminishes, and the result is a reversion back to the old self. Before you feel you have tried everything, I suggest fasting. It's something that I preach about always, and there are many ways that it can get accomplished. I have long mornings and need extended amounts of natural energy without relying heavily on food consumption. I not only set an eating window for myself, but I also structure my eating based on the low carbohydrate fast that activates Ketogenesis. The principles behind it make your body eat away at unwanted fat and uses it as energy. This habit gives us a considerable advantage when the goals of staying lean year-round are wanted. Believe it or not, this is a practice already used by many elite endurance athletes who need sustainable energy during competition. With Ketogenesis and Ketogenic style dieting paired with fasting, it is a simple principle of reducing carbohydrates. BUT WAIT THAT'S NOT ALL! The thought of lowering your carbohydrates may seem cliche, and it is unhealthy if done improperly, however with the ketogenic diet, you replace the calories lost from carb reduction with additional consumption of proteins and fats, which can both get converted into energy, to replenish the lost calories. The trade-off should be 1:1 calorie-wise, meaning that for every gram of carb taken away, replace it with either a gram of protein or about .4g of fats or a combination of both. The Ketogenic diet refers to a way of eating that promotes the absorption of ketones for energy. These Ketones get created when your body uses fat to produce energy instead of doing that same process with sugar. Typically, when we eat foods high in carbohydrates, two things happen : Food gets broken down into usable energy called glucose. Insulin gets released to direct the glucose to be either immediately used for energy or stored for future use. Since most of us eat a high carbohydrate diet, our body will get glucose from our foods, leaving no means to dig into our fat reserves. When you over-consume, any excess carbs that do not get used get added to our protruding belly's problem. Reducing your carbohydrate intake can force your body to use your reserve. When this happens, we start to produce ketones, a kick-starter for ketosis, where usable energy derives from the breakdown of our body fat. Our bodies are incredibly adaptive to the things we put in it, and with the principles of a ketogenic diet, our bodies will begin to break down body fat stores into a new primary source of energy. Some benefits in taking on a ketogenic diet may include:
If you need help with weight loss or are looking for a healthy lifestyle shift, please book your consultation. Robert L. PalmerFitness Entrepreneur | Digital Operator| Wellness Brand Consultant |
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March 2023