Be Exceptional Method
"360 Approach for optimal Health, Wellness & Performance"
Robert Palmer, the founder of Be Exceptional, is a Prominent Personal Trainer and Fitness Business advisor. After deciding not to pursue a career in athletics or finance, a family tragedy forced him to refocus his energies to bettering the lives of those around him through innovative health and wellness services by way of corporate wellness coaching and personal training, powering the lives of executives, creatives, and business leaders. He can be found changing lives through personal training and fitness, blogging, collaborating with brands in men’s fashion and style, and serving as an athlete and brand ambassador.
He helps enhance user experience as a creative consultant to athletic brands innovatively building new products and services and looking for expert feedback on product architecture and design. He stays at the pulse of trends in fitness, fashion, food, and style in the quest to improve in fits for the most exceptional outfit. He is a competitor and an accountability partner to those that he works with, ensuring progress. Robert Palmer lives by the words that motivate him and his clients, Be Exceptional, in all that you do. Robert currently lives in New York City and can be found training privately throughout the city and coaching virtually in the quest to help everyone realize his or her full potential through health, fitness, and diet for the ultimate lifestyle that makes life worth living. Specializations:
Personal Training